Sexuality is an integral part of a person. All humans are sexual, regardless of how their sexuality is expressed. People with disabilities are denied sexual rights in part to keep them outside of mainstream society, and probably in part because people with disabilities are treated as if they are children.

Most people with intellectual disability can have rewarding personal relationships. However, some may need additional support to develop relationships, explore and express their sexuality, and access sexual health information at their level of ability and literacy.

Sometimes, a person with intellectual disability may exhibit inappropriate sexual behaviour, such as public masturbation. This is more likely to occur when the person has not been provided with appropriate education. The reason that non-disabled people deny people with disabilities access to sex education is because they believe that it will encourage them to want sex.

People with intellectual disability often need information and support to help them make decisions and formal education is particularly important for people with intellectual disability. They are less likely to informally learn about sexuality from movies, the internet, magazines and talking to friends. They also find it harder to learn what is ok and not ok sexual behaviour.

There are lots of Myths about people with a disability and sexuality that have been disproved over time and they include:

  • People with disabilities and chronic illnesses are not sexual
  • People with disabilities and chronic illnesses are not desirable and can’t have ‘real’ sex
  • There is a right way and a wrong way to have sex
  • People with disabilities are a bad choice for romantic partners
  • Disabled people have more important things to worry about than sex
  • People with disabilities are childlike and need to be told how to prioritise their lives.
  • People with disabilities are not sexually adventurous
  • People in institutions shouldn’t have sex
  • Sex is private- (may need help from a third party to have sex with your partner)
  • People with disabilities don’t get sexually assaulted
  • People with disabilities don’t need sex education

EITR can provide support and education to people with intellectual disability in the area of sexuality and relationships, as well as provide training to their support people, including service providers, teachers and health care workers. For information on services we provide please contact us on or 0499 383 882